
Showing posts from January, 2020

WAGS 29.01.2020: Sta. Margarida Undulations

                  With the Hopes, Yves and Maria back on the track, and Terry and Jill leading, we had a reasonable turnout of 9 despite Myriam's absence through an unidentified viral/bacterial infection.  Indeed, we were only mildly concerned about her contact with three Chinese tourists at the Adega Marina in Lagos less than 2 weeks before, who shook her hand and breathed, maskless, in her vicinity, as she assisted them in the intricacies of the Portuguese menu. She had omitted to ask them if they were in fact from Wuhan, so we were still pending diagnosis and whether to quarantine the present walkers after contact with me.  Starters: Paul, John, Maria, Rod, Hazel, Yves, Jill, Geraldine, Terry and Beccy         We gathered at O Folclore in Alte for the traditional coffee ceremony, and discovered that they were not only planning some tasty pratos do dia, but that they would be prepared to rust...

WAGS S. Vicente Pt Two 23.01.2020. Handkerchiefs and Ponchos

Overture   (click to open link)          “Handkerchiefs at Dawn” A drama in one (short) act. Dramatis Personae Sir Terry d´ Ames : a steely-eyed explorer, booted and spurred, ready to go Dulcinella : a comely and virtuous chambermaid Paulo a P é : a mere idler and opportunist Sundry Onlookers : also booted and spurred, but not quite so ready to go. The Curtain rises The Scene: early one morning, just as the sun was rising, a cobbled lane outside the Mira Inn, Bishopton, somewhere in Portugal. The explorer´s expeditionary force is  making ready to depart. The hostelry door opens and Dulcinella emerges, weeping, pressing a man-sized white handkerchief to her eyes. Music. Dulcinella:        "Oh don't deceive me, Oh never leave me                             How could yo...