WAGS 25.03.2020: The Quarantine Diaries: Week 2
Here we are in Week 2 of our social distancing, and to be fair it has not made a great impact on us so far. No worries about lack of toilet paper (our 3 bidets are proving their worth); we go for our daily walks - more together now as Myriam has less other agenda; and cooking, eating and washing up pretty well the same stuff as before, except the lack of fresh fish may tell soon. And of course our WAGS Walks and Lagos Cafe Society Saturday meetings, are sorely missed. Lack of touring round cafes and road testing Tostas Mistas may even prove to be a good thing in the long run as I can control my home made ones calorifically, and if I hadn't stocked up on Lays Gourmet crisps, sundry snacks and peanuts, I might even be losing weight soon. Variation on a Theme for Tosta Mista com Tomato The Lagos Rarebit Not having to depend on a fixed starting time, Myriam and I played it cool and started our walk out at Porto ...